1000 Yen (1984-93) (Natsume, Manchurian cranes)
500 Yen (1969) (Tomomi Iwakura; Mt. Fujiyama-san)
10000 Yen (1958) (Shotoku-taishi)
100 Yen (1953) (Itagaki Taisuke; Diet Building)
500 Yen (1951) (Iwakura Tomomi; Mount Fuji-san)
1000 Yen (1950) (Shotoku-taishi; Yumedono Pavilion)
10 Sen (1947) (Doves; Diet Building)
1 Yen (1946) (Cockerel; Ninomiya Sontoku)
10 Yen (1946) (Diet Building)
10 Yen (1946) (Wake no Kiyomaro; Gooh Jinja Shrine)
200 Yen (1945) (Danzon Shrine; Fujiwara Kamatari)
10 Sen (1944) (Tower monument; sunshine)
1 Yen (1944) (Takeuchi Sukune; Ube Shrine)
5 Yen (1943) (S.Michizane, Kitano Shrine)
10 Yen 22.10.1942 WWII Japan DAITOA War
15 Yen 6.12.1942 WWII DAITOA Savings Bond
7 Yen 50 Sen 6.12.1942 WWII DAITOA Savings Bond
10 Yen (1915) (Wakeno Kiyomaro; Goou Jinja Shrine)
1 Yen (1889) (Takeuchi Sukune; coin)
Currency of Japan
post by International Fashion at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Currency of France
we will update later, and this is also your website, if you have any comment and suggestion plz sent us your request & suggestion.
( Thanks for visiting out website )
post by International Fashion at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Currency of Romania
50 Bani 1917
500 Lei 1.11.1940 (farmwives, castle)
2000 Lei 1.9.1943 (women, mountains)
1000 Lei 10.10.1944 (women, children)
10000 Lei 20.12.1945 (women)
100000 Lei 21.10.1945 (farmwives)
500 Lei 1992 (C. Brâncusi; sculptures)
200 Lei Dec. 1992 (Danube, steamboat, birds)
5000 Lei 1993 (A. Iancu; church; Alba Iulia gate)
1000 Lei May 1993 (Putna monastery, sails)
10000 Lei 1994 (N. Iorga; Glycon; Museum)
50000 Lei 1996 (G. Enescu; Sphinx; musical chord)
5000 Lei 1998 (L.Blaga, daffodil, crucifix)
2000 Lei 1999 (Solar system; Solar eclipse) polymer
10000 Lei 1999 (N.Iorga, flowers, monastery)
50000 Lei 2000 (G.Enescu, musical notes)
post by International Fashion at 4:43 AM 0 comments
Currency of pakistan
Rupees. 1
Rupees. 2
Rupees. 5
Rupees. 10
Rupees. 20
Rupees. 50
Rupees. 100
Rupees. 500
Rupees. 1000
Rupees. 5000
post by International Fashion at 4:14 AM 0 comments
Currency of Canada
1 dollar of Canada
20 dollar of canada
we will update later, and this is also your website, if you have any comment and suggestion plz sent us your request and suggestion .
( Thanks for visiting out website )
post by International Fashion at 3:07 AM 0 comments